Healthcare Use Case

Medication Administration

Healthcare Medication Administration Bedside 4:3

Streamline Barcode Medication Administration with Zebra's Healthcare Technology Solutions for Accurate Patient-Medication Management and Enhanced Patient Safety

Medication Administration can be time consuming and also present opportunities for errors. With Zebra mobile computers and barcode scanning solutions, nurses can scan the patient's wristband and their medication to confirm a match, helping ensure the right patient receives the right medication at the right time.

Medication Administration
White Paper

Barcode Medication Administration Best Practices

Implementing an effective barcode medication administration program can help reduce medication errors by up to 80%. Discover what best practices help make barcode medication administration a success.

Build Your End-to-End Solution



Mobility DNA

Experience a new breed of mobility with intelligence that gives Zebra mobile computers distinct enterprise traits.

DataCapture DNA

Go beyond the barcode with intelligence that simplifies the entire scanning experience.

Print DNA

Transform printers with intelligence that gives Zebra printers business-catalytic capabilities.

Workcloud Communication

Enable and enhance front-line collaboration with a fully-scalable suite of communication tools. 

CardStudio™ ID Card Design

Zebra's CardStudio ID card design software extends your card design and printing capabilities.

Service and Maintenance

Zebra OneCare™ Maintenance Plans

Protect your business-critical devices and eliminate disruptions and unplanned repair expenses. You'll get device uptime, confidence, and savings with Zebra OneCare™.